Edmundo Gómez Venancio or @Tlakuikani is a visual artist and photographer, resident of San Cristóbal de las Casas, who for the past six years has used his love of mountaineering and hiking to get incredible photos of the landscapes and wildlife of his native Chiapas.

Don Lauro living in the southeast, 2022

Specialized in macroscopic photography, Edmundo Gómez uses special lenses to portray all the intricate details of plants and cacti that he finds during his excursions.

Learn more about him at


Cactacias, 2018

Graduated in Visual Arts at the Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas and now a fan of entomology, the photographer captures various scenes of insects in their natural habitat , with special attention to the details of their anatomy as well as their environments. He currently conducts workshops during meetings and events in eco-spaces.</ P>

Apis Melífera, 2019

Explore his work using our virtual tour

Get to know the work of Edmundo Gómez Venancio and other Mexican painters during the 2022 edition of Expo Café in CDMX through of the Virtual Tour of the Art Gallery of Amor Café.