Karime De León is a 16-year-old artist, originally from Tapachula who since her birth has explored the plastic arts of self-taught way.
In addition to painting, she has ventured into other artistic expressions, such as the production of short films and photography. </ p>
Untitled, 2022
Recently she was awarded with a trophy and diploma during the 15th National Artistic, Cultural and Digital Meeting of the ANNEPPI and 1st. Intercollegiate, artistic, cultural and digital meeting.
The painter from Chiapas expresses being very proud to live in Soconusco, since it is a region with biodiversity and richness due to its agricultural production, which makes it the scene of encounters and unique inspiration for its human, social and cultural processes.
Learn more about her at
Human body, 2022
Explore his work using our virtual tour
Get to know the most recent works by Karime de León and other Mexican painters during the 2022 edition of Expo Café in CDMX through the Virtual Tour of the Amor Café Art Gallery.